
Desert BloomCA/QC
Desert BloomCA/QC
Desert BloomCA/QC
Desert BloomCA/QC

Desert BloomCA/QC
Desert BloomCA/QC
Desert BloomCA/QC
Desert BloomCA/QC

Desert BloomCA/QC

Montréal-based musician and producer Desert Bloom (Rachel Nam) makes intricate and ethereal synth-based tracks that draw on her twin passions of classical piano and electronic music. Originally from BC, Nam came to Montréal to do a degree in biology, propelled by her fascination for the natural world. The Desert Bloom moniker is inspired by wildflowers that can flourish in the desert; that same vibrant energy is present in her debut solo EP1 cassette. The following release, DB, features rapid-fire percussive elements fused with intricate rhythms, adding a layer of urgency to her compositions. She played at MUTEK for the first time in 2019.

Montréal-based musician and producer Desert Bloom (Rachel Nam) makes intricate and ethereal synth-based tracks that draw on her twin passions of classical piano and electronic music. Originally from BC, Nam came to Montréal to do a degree in biology, propelled by her fascination for the natural world. The Desert Bloom moniker is inspired by wildflowers that can flourish in the desert; that same vibrant energy is present in her debut solo EP1 cassette. The following release, DB, features rapid-fire percussive elements fused with intricate rhythms, adding a layer of urgency to her compositions. She played at MUTEK for the first time in 2019.


Montréal-based, Victoria-born producer Rachel Nam and Montréal drummer Austin Tufts.


Ambient, Electronic, Minimal, Techno


Moon Boy Records


DB (2018), EP1 (2016)


Rachel Nam also plays bass in Montréal plushcore synth-pop band MagicPerm.


Montréal: 2019, 2020

Barcelona: 2021

Buenos Aires: 2021