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Aleksandra Przegalinska -
Kozminski University

Aleksandra Przegalinska Aleksandra Przegalinska AI

KEYNOTE: Our Future Work and Life with AI
09.10 | 15:15_16:15 EDT
AI: 15:15_16:15 EDT

Amaury La Burthe -

Amaury La Burthe Amaury La Burthe XR and Storytelling

CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
09.10 | 10:30_11:30 EDT
XR and Storytelling: 10:30_11:30 EDT

Antoine Cayrol -
Atlas V

Antoine Cayrol Antoine Cayrol XR and Storytelling

PANEL: XR Publishing and Distribution: How to Reach Large Audiences
09.09 | 15:15_15:45 EDT
XR and Storytelling: 15:15_15:45 EDT

Arthur Yeung -
Albedo Informatics

Arthur Yeung Arthur Yeung XR and Storytelling

PANEL: What AR Can Do for... Cultural Institutions and Mediation - Online
09.11 | 15:30_16:00 EDT
XR and Storytelling: 15:30_16:00 EDT

Charlène Bélanger -
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Charlène Bélanger Charlène Bélanger Innovation in art + culture

PANEL: What AR Can Do for... Cultural Institutions and Mediation - Online
09.11 | 15:30_16:00 EDT
Innovation in art + culture: 15:30_16:00 EDT

Cheryl Sim -
Phi Foundation for Contemporary Art

Cheryl Sim Cheryl Sim Innovation in art + culture

PANEL: What AR Can Do for... the Visual Arts - Online
09.11 | 14:00_14:30 EDT
Innovation in art + culture: 14:00_14:30 EDT

Chris Barr -
Knight Foundation

Chris Barr Chris Barr Innovation in art + culture

PANEL: Creative Challenges in AR: Urban Life - Online
09.10 | 16:00_16:30 EDT
Innovation in art + culture: 16:00_16:30 EDT

Christina Heller -

Christina Heller Christina Heller Tech innovation

PANEL: The Future is Volumetric
09.09 | 15:45_16:15 EDT
Tech innovation: 15:45_16:15 EDT

Diego Galafassi -
Fasad Film

Diego Galafassi Diego Galafassi XR and Storytelling

CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
09.10 | 10:30_11:30 EDT
XR and Storytelling: 10:30_11:30 EDT

Diliana Alexander -
FilmGate Miami

Diliana Alexander Diliana Alexander XR and Storytelling

Q&A: The Montréal/Miami New Narratives Lab - Online
09.11 | 16:15_16:45 EDT
XR and Storytelling: 16:15_16:45 EDT

Edy FungUK

Edy Fung Edy Fung A/V practice

PRESENTATIONS: Turn It UP: The Amplify Digital Arts Initiative Showcase - Online
09.09 | 15:30_16:45 EDT
A/V practice: 15:30 EDT

Émilie F. Grenier -
Thinkwell Studio Montréal

Émilie F. Grenier Émilie F. Grenier XR and Storytelling

PANEL: Creative Challenges in AR: Urban Life - Online
09.10 | 16:00_16:30 EDT
XR and Storytelling: 16:00_16:30 EDT

Erin Gee -
Perte de Signal

Erin Gee Erin Gee AI

PANEL: AI and the Human Voice
09.10 | 13:45_15:00 EDT
AI: 13:45_15:00 EDT

Frances Adair Mckenzie -

Frances Adair Mckenzie Frances Adair Mckenzie XR and Storytelling

MASTERCLASS: Tactile Materiality, Stereoscopy and VR
09.09 | 10:30_11:30 EDT
XR and Storytelling: 10:30_11:30 EDT

Gabriel Vigliensoni -
Goldsmiths, University of London

Gabriel Vigliensoni Gabriel Vigliensoni Music-making

WORKSHOP: Interactive Machine Learning Using Wekinator - Online
09.11 | 11:00_12:15 EDT
Music-making: 11:00_12:15 EDT


GLOR1A GLOR1A A/V practice

PRESENTATIONS: Turn It UP: The Amplify Digital Arts Initiative Showcase - Online
09.09 | 15:30_16:45 EDT
A/V practice: 15:30 EDT

Jake Sally -

Jake Sally Jake Sally XR and Storytelling

PANEL: XR Publishing and Distribution: How to Reach Large Audiences
09.09 | 15:15_15:45 EDT
XR and Storytelling: 15:15_15:45 EDT

James George -

James George James George Tech innovation

PANEL: The Future is Volumetric
09.09 | 15:45_16:15 EDT
Tech innovation: 15:45_16:15 EDT

Jason Lewis -
Concordia University

Jason Lewis Jason Lewis Critical art + tech

OPENING KEYNOTE: Race to the Future? Reimagining the Default Settings of Technology and Society
09.08 | 13:30_14:30 EDT
Critical art + tech: 13:30_14:30 EDT

Jean-Pascal Beaudoin -
Headspace Studio

Jean-Pascal Beaudoin Jean-Pascal Beaudoin XR and Storytelling

PANEL: Creative Challenges in AR: Sound - Online
09.10 | 15:15_15:45 EDT
XR and Storytelling: 15:15_15:45 EDT