
Maotik & Maarten VosFR+NL
Maotik & Maarten VosFR+NL
Maotik & Maarten VosFR+NL
Maotik & Maarten VosFR+NL

Maotik & Maarten VosFR+NL
Maotik & Maarten VosFR+NL
Maotik & Maarten VosFR+NL
Maotik & Maarten VosFR+NL

Connect Festival TRANSART - Première

09.13 | 19:00_20:35
Live A/V: 20:00

Maotik & Maarten VosFR+NL

Erratic weather is a digital art project by French digital artist Mathieu Le Sourd (Maotik) and Dutch cellist composer and producer Maarten Vos aiming to represent changing atmospheric conditions into an immersive multimedia experience. During the performance the system uses various source of weather information retrieved from an online database and processed on realtime to generate an audiovisual composition. During 30 Minutes the audience will experience the life cycle of swirling phenomenons such typhoon, hurricane and tropical cyclone, demonstrating the devastating power of the nature and the emergency to preserve it.

Maotik & Maarten VosErratic Weather

French digital artist, Mathieu Le Sourd (Maotik) focuses his work on the creation of immersive multimedia environments , interactive installation and audiovisual performances. His work has recently been presented in various festivals around the world, such as MUTEK in Montréal, Live cinema in Rio, Signal Festival in Prague, the British Film Institute in London and ARS Electronica in Linz. Always in search of new challenges, Le Sourd designs his own audiovisual tools; generating real time animations from algorithms and creating 3D worlds to transform perceptions of space. Now living in Berlin, he continues his artistic research by taking part in the art residency organized between Sonar+D and Factory Berlin. He also joined the CODE university where he started to work as a senior teacher giving lectures about interactive design, generative visuals and augmented reality.

Maarten Vos is a Dutch cellist, composer and producer based in Utrecht, The Netherlands. He transforms traditional instrumentation into newfangled sounds and wields technology like something intricately human. Known as much for his outlier, exploratory approach to the cello as his work with modular synthesizers, he’s part of an exciting movement of artists. Collaborated with Alex Smoke, Julianna Barwick, Greg Haines, Stimming, Joep Beving, Colin Benders, Asko Schönberg Ensemble and others. He composed music for various art disciplines, collaborated with visual artists Maotik and Nick Verstand, wrote music for contemporary dance companies like Conny Janssen Danst and scored music for film. Vos currently works from his studio in Kytopia, Utrecht.

Erratic weather is a digital art project aiming to represent changing atmospheric conditions into an immersive multimedia experience. During the performance the system uses various source of weather information retrieved from an online database and processed on realtime to generate an audiovisual composition. During 30 Minutes the audience will experience the life cycle of swirling phenomenons such typhoon, hurricane and tropical cyclone, demonstrating the devastating power of the nature and the emergency to preserve it.

FESTIVAL TRANSART is one of the most important multidisciplinary festivals of contemporary culture in Italy. Appreciated all over Europe, Transart accompanies the audience in a new and exciting discovery of the most innovative projects of international contemporary culture. Starting from Bolzano, the heart of the festival, classical music, electronic music, performances, theatre, exhibitions, movies, and new technologies are presented all over the region from north to south, creating an inter-regional and trans-border contemporary culture platform.


Montréal: 2020