Edition 2006
“MUTEK 2006 was perhaps one of the best festival experiences I've ever had […] getting better and better across its five days of programming.” – Philip Sherburne, 2006
110 artists participate in the Montreal festival’s 7th edition. The international cast of performers includes a new generation of electronic artists. The festival’s cadre of venues continues to grow, with three new venues joining the Ex-Centris, the SAT, and the Metropolis: the Darling Foundry, the Monument National and the Godin Hotel for the professional segment, which has been renamed DIGI_SECTION.
MUTEK receives two prestigious distinctions underlining its unique position as a Montreal cultural tourist attraction: the 2006 MONTREAL PRIX ULYSSE in the category of “Festivals and Tourist Events”, and the LAURÉAT D’ARGENT des GRANDS PRIX DE TOURISME QUÉBÉCOIS 2006 in the same category.
Meanwhile, FEED’s work nets another design distinction, this time for best poster design from Toronto’s COUPE INTERNATIONAL DESIGN + IMAGE AWARDS. With seven years of experience and activities, MUTEK continues to gain international attention, and is invited to present a showcase at New York’s Guggenheim Museum.

Aidan Baker CA / Alex Under ES / Artificiel CA/QC / Audio Werner DE / Eliot Lipp US / Jackson FR / Guillaume & the Coutu Dumonts CA / Hrdvsion CA / Jan Jelinek DE / Lawrence UK / Marc Houle CA / Marc Leclair CA/QC / Modeselektor DE / Nôze FR / Pole DE / Ricardo Villalobos DE/CL / Richie Hawtin CA / Ryoichi Kurokawa JP / Thomas Brinkmann DE / and more...