Edition 2011
The 12th edition of MUTEK saw a 50% rise in attendance as compared to 2010 and broke all previous attendance records, by which MUTEK continued to demonstrate its ever-growing value within Montreal’s vibrant cultural fabric.
The 2011 headliners certainly didn’t disappoint! Always emboldened to present the most cutting-edge blend of electronic music and digital art, the program of MUTEK 12th edition was composed of a list of internationally acclaimed artists: AMON TOBIN, MURCOF & ANTIVJ, PLASTIKMAN, FOUR TET, JAMES HOLDEN and HORROR INC. Furthermore, throughout the five days, thrilling discoveries were to be found at every turn: ELEKTRO GUZZI, DANUEL TATE, ARP, CHANCHA VIA CIRCUITO, RADIQ, SUN ARAW, WAREIKA. In brief, the 2011 edition was as equally about what people didn’t know as much as it was about what people had come to expect.
Of course, MUTEK is also a series of free outdoor events that grow bigger with each passing year. For this 12th edition, alongside the wide-eyed projections and brilliant light sculptures of Extra_Muros, the festival set down a base for the first time at Place de la Paix and Berri UQAM metro, introducing the city and festivalgoers to emerging Quebecois talents. Furthermore, the festival had the opportunity to inaugurate the Foodlab – a SAT collaboration, putting urban cuisine and rural foods into hands of well-known guest chefs and the mouths of festival-goers.

Alex & Laeticia FR / Amon Tobin BR / Anstam DE / AntiVj FR / Arthur Oskan CA / Babe Rainbow CA / Badawi US / Baya Cardell & Fils CA/QC / Billy Dalessandro CA / Bowly CA / Calamalka CA / Chancha via Circuito AR / Comaduster CA / Daega Sound System CA / Danuel Tate CA Deabeat vs Lillevan CA / Deepchord US / Dianel Labrosse CA/QC / DjBrace CA / Dominic Vanchesteing CA / Elektro Guzzi AT / Emptyset UK / Flabbergast CA/QC / Floating Points UK / Footprintz CA / Four Tet UK / Gold Panda UK / Groj CA / Hissy Fit CA / Horror Inc CA / Jacques Greene CA / James Holden UK / Janicke Morissette & David Fafard CA / Ken Lo CA / Knowing Looks CA / Komodo CA / Luke Abbott UK / Mateo Murphy CA / Math Rosen CA / Max Ulis CA / Meek CA / Micheal Red CA / Modeselktor DE / Montag CA / Navet Confit CA / NeoGrafik CA / Olivier Alary CA / Plastikman CA / Pole DE / Radiq JP / Recife CA / Rocketnumbernine UK / Sculpture UK / Seth Horvitz (Sutekh) US / Sety & Mossa FR+CA / Simon Called Peter CA / Sinteg CA / Siriusmo DE / Skinnybones CA/QC / Stephen Beaupré vs Banjo Consortium CA / Sol del Rio AR / Terry Lee Brown DE / The Golf Stream CA / Tomas Jirku CA / Traversable Wormhole US / Tristan Perich US / Wareika DE / Women with Kitchen Appliances CA / Xavier Lebuis CA/QC / XI CA / Yan Breuleux+Alain Thibault CA/QC / and more...