
CASE STUDY: Particle Ink - An Interactive Mixed Reality Universe - Online
CASE STUDY: Particle Ink - An Interactive Mixed Reality Universe - Online
CASE STUDY: Particle Ink - An Interactive Mixed Reality Universe - Online
CASE STUDY: Particle Ink - An Interactive Mixed Reality Universe - Online

CASE STUDY: Particle Ink - An Interactive Mixed Reality Universe - Online
CASE STUDY: Particle Ink - An Interactive Mixed Reality Universe - Online
CASE STUDY: Particle Ink - An Interactive Mixed Reality Universe - Online
CASE STUDY: Particle Ink - An Interactive Mixed Reality Universe - Online

Dpt. are one of the bellwethers of Montréal’s creative tech and storytelling scene. Operating since 2007, their diverse practice in interactive and immersive experiences includes numerous award-winning pieces such as The Enemy, Manic VR, Deprogrammed, and Parliament VR.

This case study focuses on their latest project, to be released in the fall. Particle Ink is a rich and unique use case of mobile augmented reality technology for innovative storytelling.

The project uses an innovative custom approach called Augmented Unification, which enhances the human connection in a narrative-based experience by combining AI, object recognition, and context awareness with augmented reality in a real-world environment. This enables the AR characters to be conscious of their environment and its attributes—expanding the user’s ability to interact seamlessly and emotionally with them.

This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
It will remain available in the archives of the Forum’s online application until September 20.

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