
CONVERSATION: Creative Explorations into Data, Tech and Society - Online
CONVERSATION: Creative Explorations into Data, Tech and Society - Online
CONVERSATION: Creative Explorations into Data, Tech and Society - Online
CONVERSATION: Creative Explorations into Data, Tech and Society - Online

CONVERSATION: Creative Explorations into Data, Tech and Society - Online
CONVERSATION: Creative Explorations into Data, Tech and Society - Online
CONVERSATION: Creative Explorations into Data, Tech and Society - Online
CONVERSATION: Creative Explorations into Data, Tech and Society - Online

Art and technology already have so much in common: they are never good or bad, but also never neutral. Expertly led by Karine Charbonneau, head of exhibitions at Antimodular Research, this conversation features renowned creators Perry Chen and Refik Anadol, who have been exploring, questioning, and reimagining the connection between art, data, tech, and society within their artistic and entrepreneurial practice over the last decade.

This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
It will remain available in the archives of the Forum’s online application until September 20.

Perry chen Refik anadol Dimanches 4 12 16 581 K BW
Perry ChenUS/FR Perry ChenUS/FR Perry ChenUS/FR Perry ChenUS/FR Perry ChenUS/FR Perry ChenUS/FR Perry ChenUS/FR Perry ChenUS/FR
Refik AnadolTR/US Refik AnadolTR/US Refik AnadolTR/US Refik AnadolTR/US Refik AnadolTR/US Refik AnadolTR/US Refik AnadolTR/US Refik AnadolTR/US
Karine CharbonneauCA/QC Karine CharbonneauCA/QC Karine CharbonneauCA/QC Karine CharbonneauCA/QC Karine CharbonneauCA/QC Karine CharbonneauCA/QC Karine CharbonneauCA/QC Karine CharbonneauCA/QC