
KEYNOTE: Machines and Personhood: A Nguni Perspective on the Quest for AI - Online
KEYNOTE: Machines and Personhood: A Nguni Perspective on the Quest for AI - Online
KEYNOTE: Machines and Personhood: A Nguni Perspective on the Quest for AI - Online
KEYNOTE: Machines and Personhood: A Nguni Perspective on the Quest for AI - Online

KEYNOTE: Machines and Personhood: A Nguni Perspective on the Quest for AI - Online
KEYNOTE: Machines and Personhood: A Nguni Perspective on the Quest for AI - Online
KEYNOTE: Machines and Personhood: A Nguni Perspective on the Quest for AI - Online
KEYNOTE: Machines and Personhood: A Nguni Perspective on the Quest for AI - Online

This talk will explore Indigenous Relational Humanism (Ubu-Ntu) from Southern Africa, Afro-Futurism, and how we can re-imagine the ways we create and relate to AI, as well as how it relates to us individually and as diverse communities.

This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
It will remain available in the archives of the Forum’s online application until September 20.

MUTEK - Event Placeholder