
KEYNOTE: Our Future Work and Life with AI
KEYNOTE: Our Future Work and Life with AI
KEYNOTE: Our Future Work and Life with AI
KEYNOTE: Our Future Work and Life with AI

KEYNOTE: Our Future Work and Life with AI
KEYNOTE: Our Future Work and Life with AI
KEYNOTE: Our Future Work and Life with AI
KEYNOTE: Our Future Work and Life with AI

General discourse around artificial intelligence is often underpinned by strong emotions: fear, doubt, hope, enthusiasm. What are these feelings based on, and why are they so intense? Are they a true reflection of current trends and developments in the field of AI? This talk will address our potential future relations with artificial intelligence—whether professional, social, or private. Aleksandra’s research work is focused mainly on human-machine interaction. It embraces qualitative research as well as natural language processing and affective computing. In the experiments, her team has investigated emotional reactions to humanoid artificial intelligence as well as ways in which we can cooperate with AI systems. Open-ended questions to be explored include: can and should we expect more human-centric and human-like AI? Can we expect human/AI symbiosis? Does the introduction of AI to our workplaces mean that we will be replaced by machines? If not, what are the alternatives?

This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
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Presented in collaboration with the Digital Cultures Festival, with the support of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute.

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