
PANEL: AI and the Human Voice - Online
PANEL: AI and the Human Voice - Online
PANEL: AI and the Human Voice - Online
PANEL: AI and the Human Voice - Online

PANEL: AI and the Human Voice - Online
PANEL: AI and the Human Voice - Online
PANEL: AI and the Human Voice - Online
PANEL: AI and the Human Voice - Online

Thanks to artificial intelligence, human speech is now as malleable and replicable as pixels. In the world of art, one of the deepest fears surrounding the rise of AI is the elimination of artists from the equation. How do we find balance between the advancement of this technology and its controversial potential applications?

Jose Sotelo is the co-founder of Lyrebird (Descript), a company that has developed an algorithm to clone the human voice in seconds. For this panel, he guides a conversation with two artists who use the voice as a marker of human identity. All three panellists work with AI to replicate, enhance, or mimic the human voice, and will explore how a machine can have its own voice as a signifier of personhood. What is the role of the artificial voice, and can AI technology find its own?

This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
It will remain available in the archives of the Forum’s online application until September 20.

Appears as part of AMPLIFY D.A.I

AMPLIFY D.A.I is an initiative of the British Council in partnership with MUTEK Montréal, MUTEK Buenos Aires and Somerset House Studios in the UK. The programme is supported by Canada Council for the Arts and Fundación Williams.

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