
PANEL: Creative Challenges in AR: Urban Life - Online
PANEL: Creative Challenges in AR: Urban Life - Online
PANEL: Creative Challenges in AR: Urban Life - Online
PANEL: Creative Challenges in AR: Urban Life - Online

PANEL: Creative Challenges in AR: Urban Life - Online
PANEL: Creative Challenges in AR: Urban Life - Online
PANEL: Creative Challenges in AR: Urban Life - Online
PANEL: Creative Challenges in AR: Urban Life - Online

Lisa Moren, renowned American artist, and Chris Barr, Director of Arts and Technology Innovation at Knight Foundation, come together for this conversation around augmented and mixed reality experiences that take place in an outdoor setting and use the physical space and urban life interactions as the main narrative engine. The discussion will take in existing examples, including Lisa’s Nonuments series of works, and dive into the potential as well as the limitations involved in creating such experiences.

Moderated by Émilie F. Grenier of Thinkwell Studio Montréal, this activity refers to one of the three creative challenges set in the Montréal/Miami New Narratives Lab’s call for ideas, which will open on September 2.

This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
It will remain available in the archives of the Forum’s online application until September 20

Presented as part of the Montréal/Miami New Narratives Lab, organized by FilmGate Miami, MUTEK, the National Film Board of Canada and O Cinema, in collaboration with the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC), with the support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs.

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MUTEK - Event Placeholder