
PANEL: The Music Industry Business Model: Think 2022 in 2020 - Online
PANEL: The Music Industry Business Model: Think 2022 in 2020 - Online
PANEL: The Music Industry Business Model: Think 2022 in 2020 - Online
PANEL: The Music Industry Business Model: Think 2022 in 2020 - Online

PANEL: The Music Industry Business Model: Think 2022 in 2020 - Online
PANEL: The Music Industry Business Model: Think 2022 in 2020 - Online
PANEL: The Music Industry Business Model: Think 2022 in 2020 - Online
PANEL: The Music Industry Business Model: Think 2022 in 2020 - Online

2020 has taught many industries the importance of avoiding over-dependence on any one revenue stream. How can the music sector better diversify its income to be less reliant on live activities? What existing monetization practices could we adopt to emerge as a stronger, more eco-friendly, and more accessible industry?

This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
It will remain available in the archives of the Forum’s online application until September 20.

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Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC