
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... Cultural Institutions and Mediation - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... Cultural Institutions and Mediation - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... Cultural Institutions and Mediation - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... Cultural Institutions and Mediation - Online

PANEL: What AR Can Do for... Cultural Institutions and Mediation - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... Cultural Institutions and Mediation - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... Cultural Institutions and Mediation - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... Cultural Institutions and Mediation - Online

If cultural institutions (museums and art centres as well as festivals and events) have attached increasing importance to technological innovation and digital strategy over the past few years, recent events have accentuated their need to find new ways to reach audiences and explore new types of user experience and mediation. Augmented and mixed reality technologies offer exciting possibilities in this context, from engaging interactive features to added room for individual interpretation, personalized visitor journeys, AR merchandise, and more.

Moderated by Parabola FilmsSarah Spring, this conversation brings together Charlène Bélanger, Program Manager of Research, Innovation, and Digital Mediation at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, and Arthur Yeung of Albedo Informatics, whose AR application LARGE, which aims to serve both artists and institutions, was deployed at the Toronto Biennial of Art.

This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
It will remain available in the archives of the Forum’s online application until September 20.

Presented with the support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

MUTEK - Event Placeholder