
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... the Visual Arts - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... the Visual Arts - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... the Visual Arts - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... the Visual Arts - Online

PANEL: What AR Can Do for... the Visual Arts - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... the Visual Arts - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... the Visual Arts - Online
PANEL: What AR Can Do for... the Visual Arts - Online

The events of the past months have accelerated certain developments, in turn creating new opportunities for artists, galleries, and museums to reach audiences and stimulate art market dynamics. This process has been propelled by augmented and mixed reality technologies and fuelled by the power of digital platforms and applications. Examples include Acute Art, Eyejack, and Collectionner, which was developed in Montréal by AGAC.

Moderated by Parabola FilmsSarah Spring, this conversation about creating, collecting, and conserving AR and MR artworks brings together Cheryl Sim, a Montréal-based video artist and curator of Phi Foundation for Contemporary Art, and Joe Cutts, a British video artist and curator of Sheffield Doc/Fest’s Alternate Realities section.

This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
It will remain available in the archives of the Forum’s online application until September 20.

Presented with the support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

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Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC Sarah ShoucriCA/QC