CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
Premiered at Sundance 2020, Breathe is an interactive, multi-player mixed reality project that harnesses the power of Magic Leap technology to reconnect us to the world around us. The work invites users to experience an atmosphere of their own creation, recasting their ordinary daily experience of breathing as an immediate and direct link to the complex living world we inhabit.
Presented by FilmGate Miami and expertly moderated by its Executive Director, Diliana Alexander, this case study reunites Breathe director Diego Galafassi, co-producers Phi Studio from Montréal and Crimes of Curiosity from LA, and French immersive studio Novelab to discuss creative and technological challenges and achievements.
This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
It will remain available in the archives of the Forum’s online application until September 20.
Presented in collaboration with FilmGate Miami
Myriam Achard -
Phi CentreCA/QC

CASE STUDY: Wonderscope - Smart Augmented Reality Content for Kids
14:30_15:00 EST
Diliana Alexander -
FilmGate MiamiCA/US

Q&A: The Montréal/Miami New Narratives Lab - Online
16:15_16:45 EST
Amaury La Burthe -

CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
10:30_11:30 EST
Jess Engel -
Crimes of CuriosityUS

CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
10:30_11:30 EST
Diego Galafassi -
Fasad FilmBR/SE
CASE STUDY: Breathe - Magical Multi-Player Mixed Reality - Online
10:30_11:30 EST
Thursday, September 10, 2020