
MASTERCLASS: Expanded Cinema in 2020 - Online
MASTERCLASS: Expanded Cinema in 2020 - Online
MASTERCLASS: Expanded Cinema in 2020 - Online
MASTERCLASS: Expanded Cinema in 2020 - Online

MASTERCLASS: Expanded Cinema in 2020 - Online
MASTERCLASS: Expanded Cinema in 2020 - Online
MASTERCLASS: Expanded Cinema in 2020 - Online
MASTERCLASS: Expanded Cinema in 2020 - Online

We shape technology and technology shapes us. 50 years ago, in his book Expanded Cinema (1970), Gene Youngblood argued that “a new, expanded cinema is required for a new consciousness”.

This masterclass showcases the pioneering and present-day (Wo)men of new media. Sahar Homami discusses expanded cinema, visual music, generative art, and real-time audiovisual art. She examines the modern expressions of the ancient art of storytelling and urges approaches to tell stories with digital data.

This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
It will remain available in the archives of the Forum’s online application until September 20.

Appears as part of AMPLIFY D.A.I

AMPLIFY D.A.I is an initiative of the British Council in partnership with MUTEK Montréal, MUTEK Buenos Aires and Somerset House Studios in the UK. The programme is supported by Canada Council for the Arts and Fundación Williams.

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