
PANEL: XR Publishing and Distribution: How to Reach Large Audiences
PANEL: XR Publishing and Distribution: How to Reach Large Audiences
PANEL: XR Publishing and Distribution: How to Reach Large Audiences
PANEL: XR Publishing and Distribution: How to Reach Large Audiences

PANEL: XR Publishing and Distribution: How to Reach Large Audiences
PANEL: XR Publishing and Distribution: How to Reach Large Audiences
PANEL: XR Publishing and Distribution: How to Reach Large Audiences
PANEL: XR Publishing and Distribution: How to Reach Large Audiences

The distribution and monetization of XR content have remained something of a challenge for creators and producers. Opportunities in location-based entertainment—that is, the presentation of XR installations in cultural venues such as museums, galleries, cinemas, arcades, and even custom-built, immersive entertainment spaces—had been on the rise. Now, the COVID crisis has put a sudden stop to these endeavours, with a potential relaunch being subject to complex configurations.

In contrast to these developments, the (hitherto rather slow) at-home market, which relies on end-users self-equipping with headsets, could certainly have taken up speed during confinement, if it hadn’t suffered from supply chain disruptions caused by the crisis: there were simply not enough headsets available to meet the growing demand. Once this problem is solved, will on-demand, at-home supply be the new answer to bringing XR content to the masses?

This question highlights an important point of the distribution puzzle, too often neglected by producers who are unfamiliar with the video game world: how and where to publish your content. From stores to strategies, this conversation about the publishing of XR content sees Jake Sally, Head of Development at RYOT, a major U.S. player in the production of innovative immersive content, exchanging ideas with Antoine Cayrol, co-founder of Atlas V, a multi-award-winning French production company and distributor.

As a special feature of this activity, you will be able to discover the “VR Immersive Experiences” catalogue from the Institut français, a selection of original works at the intersection of virtual reality, live entertainment, and visual arts, with potential for circulation abroad.

The XR Salon is presented by Unreal Engine.

This activity takes place in English - although questions in French are also welcome.
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