
WORKSHOP: Interactive Machine Learning Using Wekinator - Online
WORKSHOP: Interactive Machine Learning Using Wekinator - Online
WORKSHOP: Interactive Machine Learning Using Wekinator - Online
WORKSHOP: Interactive Machine Learning Using Wekinator - Online

WORKSHOP: Interactive Machine Learning Using Wekinator - Online
WORKSHOP: Interactive Machine Learning Using Wekinator - Online
WORKSHOP: Interactive Machine Learning Using Wekinator - Online
WORKSHOP: Interactive Machine Learning Using Wekinator - Online

Attendees of the workshop will learn fundamental machine learning techniques that can be used to map human gestures and real-time data to musical parameters, within interactive musical systems.

To exemplify these techniques in creative applications, Gabriel will introduce Wekinator (Fiebrink, 2009), an open-source machine learning software aimed at learning input signals, and map them to any real-time process, such as triggering events or modulating other signals.

In the workshop, non-coders will be able to create models by providing training examples to build interactive systems that can be integrated with sound generation or visual tools.

This activity takes place in English.
It will remain available in the archives of the Forum’s online application until September 20.

MUTEK - Event Placeholder